[FYI] Contact Inchara Foundation (8310353811) To Donate Laptops/PCs In Working Condition
The post is shared by Inchara Foundation to help children learn computers in their center at Mangalore.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
Folks, if your company is disposing any of the used laptops/ PCs in working condition, please contact Inchara Foundation (8310353811). They will use them for computer education of the children they support. Thank you.
Verification: Inchara Foundation shared this post and it is genuine.Please do donate for good cause.
Inchara Foundation shared the following post:
“Folks our company is disposing any of the used laptops/ PCs in working condition, please contact Inchara Foundation (8310353811). They will use them for computer education of the children they support. Thank you”
We called on the provided mobile number and confirmed with the concerned person. He told us that they want Laptops and PCs for children. They have many children in their centre at Mangalore. If anyone interested to donate, they can do arrangements to get it collected or the people who wants to donate can Courier it to their centre. Please donate for cause and let the youth be educated with the latest facilities. Our small gesture will make a big difference in somebody’s life. Let’s make it a better place for all.
Inchara Foundation is a specialized support Home for the Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse through care, support, counselling & rehabilitation. Apart from Food, Clothing, Health (mental & physical) and Protection; Education and Skill Development is the most crucial aspect of their very own existence. In Inchara, we are ensuring quality education to our children (survivors) by enrolling them into private schools and also helping them groom their other skills through vocational trainings.
Inchara Makkala Mane (Inchara Home For Children) is an Orphanage being set up in Mangalore to provide poor and orphan children with food, shelter, education and clothing. It has a capacity to accommodate 25 Children and necessary permissions have been obtained from the local authorities. Also permissions received from the DC office and District Child protection Unit (under Department of Women and Child, Govt of Karnataka)
Please send you contributions to:
Transfer/Cheque in favor of “Inchara Foundation”
Bank Details – A/C 30630492184,
State Bank of India, Port Road, Mangalore
Inchara Foundation ® in exempted from taxes under 12A & 80G. of the IT Act. A certificate to this effect can be provided.
Post Date: 14 Mar 2019
Post ID: #71683