[SPAM] सच क्या है, सुनिए अगर विश्वास ना हो
The audio clip from Avi Dandiya claiming that Pulwama attack was pre planned by some political parties for election purpose is fake. Please read more about it in this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
सच क्या है, सुनिए अगर विश्वास ना हो और देश की आवाम मै दम हो तो पूछे उनसे जिनकी आवाज़ है, जो सेना के नही वो आवाम के क्या होगे। देश की मीडिया हो या देश मै रहने वाला किसी मै दम नही है की वो आज़ादी के बाद इस तरह सबूत के साथ सबसे घिनोनी हरकत का ख़ुलासा कर सके।
Verification: The audio shared by Avi Dandiya is fake and edited
This video claiming that attack on Indian forces was planned by Indian Government is totally fake and edited very smartly. It is very unfortunate that at this time when we all should be in sync, some people are playing around with such fake and unworthy games on media. Is it that limelight so important for them? Being an Indian, this is what few mischieves do.
We saw this video on youtube and came across the comment section. While few people get provoked by such hoax, some are sensible enough to check it on their levels to know the truth. Sound engineers who are in music field have checked the frequencies of the audio and shared their views. It is so good to see people to be aware of ways to check the shared audios, videos and posts. Check the comments below, we are sharing some snips of comments under the video:
Below are few comments on this fake video shared by Avi Dandiya:
Dandiya ji, bar bar kya bol rahe hain aap,”tum log bewkoof ho!”
Aap kisi mugaalte mei na rahen plz. India k karodo log bewkoof hain? Aur sari akalmandi aap k paas hai? Alag alag jagah se line utha k jod daali. Aur wo Aurat ki awaz?bacha bhi bata sakta hai k farzi hai!
Aap itne he bade desh bhakt hain toh apna desh chhor k kyun dusre desh mei baith kar panchayat kar rahe hain?
Waise actor ache hain aap?
You took these voices from interviews as i remember rajnath singhs voice is from his latest interview with aajtak journalist … morons like u are all over the place old man go get some life
I have just one question for those who believe that this audio is a real audio not fake, can you ask this guy to reveal the identity of the woman in this audio because a woman with this type of importance can be ordinary woman but her talking way of style listen like a woman came from ordinary family..
Kya chutiyap hai , clear samajh aa Raha hai ki you’ve mixed different tapes or tracks, listen to the background noises, change in the pitch and tones of the speakers, this is ridiculous, ek to India ke baahar rehte ho aur aisi bakwaas karte ho, Moreover you clearing your throat and your micro expressions say alot, you get overly aggressive, blinking patterns are awry. Party gai bhaad me, why lie?
Abe harami… itnaaa kaise gir gaya hai tu… chutiye.. india today ke interview ki audio clip ko cut kar ke achha edit kiya hai… bhaii plzzz iski baat naa suno.. aap log india today ke channel pe jao.. waha pe jiski bhi ye audio suna raha hai usnki interview hai.. aur wahi se ye aadmi ne cut kar ke churaa liya hai.. aur baaki ke audios rallies aur alag alag interview se hai
Fake Audio ..rajnath Singh Ka latest audio taken from “iss Tarah rajniti nhi Karni chahiye ye audio aajtak ke Interview se liya gaya hai…ho Sweta Singh ne liya tha interview…I have seen that interview…..or Avi dandiya..chutiya insaan Galati se bhi ab India mat AA Jana okay…chutiya …tujhe Kuch pata hota hai ..I am not Modi supporter..but I can atleast see the right and wrong..okay ….ab AA Gaya naa India chutiya ..Yaad Rakh tere Saath bahut bura hoga ..sach mei terii koï aukat nhi h…samjha naa…Kya aukat hai terii hai Kya tu…i accept that some policy of Modi govt is not good ..but this kind of thing …chutiya tujhe Sharm nhi aata hai …Tu desh ko bech khaya h…Ku kii agar Mai wo interview nhi Dekha hota naa toh Mai believe karta tere iss video pr ..Maine wo interview Dekha hai ..jaha rajnath Singh me aajtak channel pr ..bola tha kii hamare sainiko pr desh bahut sawedansheel hai …tere jaisey chutiya hai Jo America jaa Kar AISA kartey hai chutiya
Now lets see how Mr Arif Khan came up with facts about the audio shared by Avi Dandiya. It is so good to see that people are very careful when they receive such fake posts. Thank you Mr Arif Khan. We Appreciate you.
So this is the interview from where the audio was picked ..
Is video me 4:20 aur 5:10 par kahi gayi line avi dandiya ne kaat ke apne farzi audio me dali hai …https://t.co/jk6lidi9Ru
Listen at 4:20 and 5:10 …
Shame on @avidandiya ..
He should be behind bars.
— | Arif Khan | ⭐ (@ArifKIndian) March 2, 2019
The conversation in the audio is as follows:
Amit shah – देश की जनता को गुमराह किया जा सकता है। और हम मानते भी है चुनाव के लिए युद्ध करने की ज़रुरत है।
( Nation can be mislead. And we believe war is required for elections.)
Woman – आपके कहने से ये तो नहीं होता है अमितजी बिना मुद्दे के आप युद्ध कैसे करेंगे। अगर आतंकवादी हुम्ला करते है तो आतंकवादी हमले की करवाई हो सकती है।
( It doesn’t happen by your saying, on what base will you do war. If terrorist attack, then inquiry of terror attack can be done.)
Rajnath Singh– जवानो के सवाल पर हमारी देश बहुत सेंसेटिव है, बहुत संवेदनशील है भावना उनके अंदर कूट कूट कर भरी है।
(Our country is very sensitive when the question is about Jawans, very emotional, they are filled with feelings.)
Woman – देश के जवानो को शहीद करवाना है?
(Nations soldiers to be martyred? )
Rajnath Singh – काम के लिए कमज़ोर होते है?
( Weak to work? )
Woman – एक-दो से कुछ भी नहीं होगा, उरी किया था कुछ भी नहीं हुआ. अभी चुनाव है, देश की सुरक्षा को लेके आप बड़ा मुद्दा बना सकते है. उसपे राजनीति खेलिए।
(Nothing will happen with one or two, we did Uri, nothing happened. It’s election now, you can make an issue on country’s security. Open politics on that. )
Rajnath Singh – देश की सुरक्षा से जुड़े हुए सवालो पर इस तरह की राजनीती की जानी चाहिए।
(This type of politics should be done on questions related to country’s security. )
Woman – राजनीति के लिए आप युद्ध करना चाहते है? एक काम करते है कश्मीर में या कश्मीर के आस पास…
( You want to have war for politics? We will do one thing Kashmir or nearby areas of Kashmir…..)
Rajnath Singh – जम्मू और श्रीनगर
(Jammu and Srinagar )
Woman – वहा ब्लास्ट करेंगे, कुछ आर्मी डेड, कुछ पैरामिलिटरी फोर्सेज डेड, या कुछ CRPF डेड. एक 100-50 जवान मरेंगे तो सारे देश के देशभक्ति एक जगह हो जाएगी…
( Will blast there, army dead, some paramilitary forces dead, or some CRPF dead. If 100-50 jawans die then country’s patriotism will be at one place. )
Rajnath Singh – बहादुर जवानो के शहादत पर इस तरीके की राजनीति आनी चाहिए।
( This type of politics should come on martyrdom of brave soldiers. )
Woman – क्या गन्दी पॉलिटिक्स है अमित जी?
( What dirty politics Amit ji )
Amit Shah – नहीं, ये पॉलिटिक्स नहीं है भाई.
( No, this is not politics brother. )
Woman – तो फिर है क्या ये? पॉलिटिक्स ही है गन्दी पॉलिटिक्स।
(Then what is it? Indeed a dirty politics it is. )
Amit Shah – मुझे सीधा पूछ रहे हो? सुनिए अब, क्यों हुआ कैसे हुआ|
( Asking me directly? listen why and how it happened )
Woman – मुझे नहीं सुनना है अमित जी, वैसे भी मैं नहीं करुँगी तो कोई और कर देगा। बॉम ब्लास्ट करवाना है बॉम ब्लास्ट करवा देते हैं. आप लोग जैसे चाहते है वैसा हो तो जाएगा। देश के जवान शहीद होंगे उनके घर का माहौल क्या होगा आपने कभी सोचा है उसके बारे में?
( I dont want to listen to this Amit ji, as it is if i dont do, someone else will do it. Bomb blast has to take place, will get it done. Whatever you people want, will be done. Have you thought that nation’s soldiers will be martyred and what will be the atmosphere at their homes? )
Amit Shah – देश के हर सैनिक घर का वातावरण क्या होगा?
(What will be the atmosphere of every soldiers home? )
Woman– खौफ बैठ गया है और क्या?
( Everyone is terrorised, what else? )
Amit Shah– डर बैठ रहा है, खौफ बैठ रहा है, और कोई रास्ते नहीं होते।
( Fear and terror is setting, there is no other way. )
Woman – रास्ते तो बहुत होते है अमित जी, EVM था न आपके पास, ये सैनिकों को मरवाना जवानो को मरवाना ये मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा है। फिर भी आप चाहते हैं तो ब्लास्ट करवा देंगे। सौ पचास जवान मरेंगे, वैसे भी आप ही कहते हैं ना जवान सेना में भर्ती होते हैं शहीद होने के लिए लेकिन दुश्मन के साथ अब आप लोग भी दुश्मन बने हुए हैं सेना के तो कौन क्या कर सकता है?
( You have various ways Amit ji, you had EVM with you, I can’t understand this killing of jawans and soldiers. Still if you want we will get blast done. 100, 50 Jawans will die, as it is you say that Jawan join army to be martyred, but if you also become enemy of Army, what can anyone do.)
Amit Shah – ऐसा ही होगा हम कैसे बदल सकते हैं उसको?
( This is what will happened, how can we change that? )
Woman – मुझे बहस नहीं करनी आपसे, काम कर देंगे, पैसे भिजवा दीजियेगा और 12, 13 फरवरी तक ये सारा कुछ ताम-झाम करके आपको मैं फिर फ़ोन करती हूँ. पैसे भिजवा दीजियेगा।
( I don’t want to argue with you, work will be done, send the money and by 12, 13 February we will finish this and will call you. )
Amit Shah – मै बताता हूँ।
( I will tell.)
Alt News has shared the facts with the audio comparisons. Please see the proof yourself to know the truth behind this very coward act of Avi Dandiya. It will be clear where the chunks of audios are replaced with fake statements by Avi Dandiya. Check the clipings below. Read more @ Alt News
@Boom also debunked this fake audio: Read more @ Boom
This video is circulating on social media and people are reacting in different manners to it. It is very unfortunate of such people to make a fake audio and share with so much confidence. Please dont believe such fake posts circulating on different social platforms. Please check 4 spam before you believe it or share it.
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Audio By Avi Dandiya | Nokiye.com
Post Date: 03 March 2019
Post ID: #71498