[SPAM] केरल के इस विडियो को देखें और इसे जितना हो सके उतना फॉरवर्ड करें
A video from Karachi Pakistan is shared with communal claims on social media and is claimed to be from Kerala (India)
Post Information:
The below post has been circulating on social media
केरल के इस विडियो को देखें और इसे जितना हो सके उतना फॉरवर्ड करें
Verification: The video of vehicles crossing over the Indian Flag is from Karachi Pakistan
The video is being widely shared on Twitter and Facebook with the claim “केरल के इस विडियो को देखें और इसे जितना हो सके उतना फॉरवर्ड करें …. अगर आप यू आज चुप रहते हैं तो हमें नुकसान होगा … क्योंकि *6 महीने के बाद इसे आगे बढ़ाने का कोई फायदा नहीं होगा* … उँगलियाँ घुमाएँ और इसे आगे बढ़ाएँ अभी.”
Vehicles are seen driving over an Indian flag kept on a road and a group of people can also be seen holding Pakistani flags in their hands. The video is not from Kerala. The video is from Karachi Pakistan. Check the link shared below to know the facts:
On watching the video carefully, at 3.38 minutes we could see “The Hunar Foundation” written on one of the vehicles passing the road. Upon checking about the foundation we could find that The Hunar Foundation is a Karachi-based charity organization. The “CONTACT US” shows the address “83/4 Deh Dih, Ibrahim Hyderi Road, Taluka Korangi District, Karachi”. It’s very clear that the video is not at all from any Indian state but from Karachi Pakistan. The Hunar Foundation is also on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube; the base is Karachi Pakistan.
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केरल के इस विडियो को देखें और इसे जितना हो सके उतना फॉरवर्ड करें I Nokiye
Post Date: 20 June 2022
Post ID: #80363