[SPAM] Women Holding Placards Against Modi
The news is not true. This post is going viral on social media. People are fooled by this image against Prime Minister Modi. More details at the verification section of this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
“1st time in 70 years #AyushmanBharat #PMJAYluanch in Ranchi with #ModiChor Placard”.
The actual photo was clicked at the launch of the Ayushman Bharat scheme in Ranchi on 23rd September 2018. Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the event . The picture was manipulated and the words on the placards were changed to “Modi Chor ”in Hindi .Where as the placard held by the women in the event says “Pradhanmantri Jan Aarogya Yojana”in Hindi. Below are the pictures shared by Ministry of health. Please don’t spread the fake news without knowing the facts about it.Just a little of awareness may save us from being fooled by such incorrect and manipulated pictures and information. Read more at Boomlive
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Women Holding Placards Against Modi | Nokiye
Post Date: 30 sep 2018
Post ID: #69487
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