[SPAM] This Is How UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Got COVID-19
An old video showing UK PM Boris Johnson shopping at Milad Supermarket is shared with misleading claims.
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Below post has been circulating on social media.
This Is How Boris Johnson Got COVID-19
Verification: UK Prime Minister Boris Jhonson shopping video at Milad Supermarket London is 7 years old
An old video showing UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson shopping at Milad Supermarket London is shared with misleading claims. The claim is “This Is How Boris Johnson Got COVID-19.”
Milad Supermarket Instagram posted the video recently and wrote that its 7 years old video. Check the link below to know the facts:
Latest update on UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson: Read more
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This Is How Boris Johnson Got COVID-19 I Nokiye
Post Date: 11 Apr 2020
Post ID: #76076