Internet Rumours

[SPAM] The Sun Chants Om (NASA)

The Sun Chants Om (NASA)

A post on social media claimed that NASA had recorded the sound of the Sun, and the Sun chants Om. Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.

[SPAM] The Sun Chants Om (NASA)

A post on social media claimed that NASA had recorded the sound of the Sun, and the Sun chants Om

Post Information:

The below post has been circulating on social media

The Sun Chants Om (NASA)

Verification: The Sun does not chant Om

A video was shared on Facebook and Twitter and YouTube claiming that NASA had recorded the sound of the sun, and the sun chants Om. It’s not true. Check the link shared below to know the fact:

A video from NASA recreated sounds from solar electromagnetic waves, and it was not ‘Om’.
Video released by NASA in 2018 shows the sonification of electromagnetic waves from the sun is not, in fact, an “Om” chant but a “low, pulsing hum.” Check the video shared below. The raw audio file released by NASA clears about the myth.


A Twitter user AzyConTroll replied to a tweet by Kiran Bedi in a funny way. It says “Modi Ji Wah” Check it below:


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The Sun Chants Om (NASA) I Nokiye

Post Date: 22 Nov 2021

Post ID: #79441


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