[SPAM] Taliban Bans Sanitary Napkins In Afghanistan
A screenshot of a morphed news report published by CNN is circulating on social media, which claims that the Taliban has banned the use of sanitary napkins
Post Information:
The below post has been circulating on social media
Verification: Taliban has not banned sanitary napkins in Afghanistan.
The viral image on social media is digitally edited and CNN News has reported no such news. There is no credible news report stating that the Taliban has banned the use of sanitary napkins in Afghanistan.
A screenshot of a morphed news report published by CNN is circulating on social media, which claims that the Taliban has banned the use of sanitary napkins, as the Sharia law does not allow the usage of sanitary napkins. The headline of the article mentions, “Taliban bans sanitory napkins in Afghanistan, says it’s not a Sharia complaint practice.”
found several spelling errors such as compliant was spelled as complaint and sanitary was spelled as sanitory. Both the dateline and author by-line are missing in the viral screenshot. The CNN logo in the top left corner is also upside down. Check the difference between the fake CNN screenshot and the real CNN screenshot:
The image has been used as a stock photograph on several blogs and news sites, but not on CNN. The apparent screenshot shows the mobile view of a purported report posted in the “World” category on the “CNN” website.
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Taliban Bans Sanitary Napkins In Afghanistan I Nokiye
Post Date: 18 Sep 2021
Post ID: #79213