[FYI] Registration For NON-ECR Passport Holders For Employment/Work In 18 Countries Is Now Online
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Subject:Registration Of NON-ECR Passport Holder Travelling For Employment/Work In 18 ESR Countries
Pravasi Bharatiya Sahayata Kendra (PBSK)is a helpline to know more about emigration for employment/work in 18 countries. There are telephone numbers shared in the above post. Read more
Renaming of Overseas Workers’ Resource
Centre (OWRC) Helpline to Pravasi
Bharatiya Sahayata Kendra (PBSK)
What is Indian Passport ?
An Indian passport is a passport issued by order of the President of India to Indian citizens for the purpose of international travel. It enables the bearer to travel internationally and serves as proof of Indian citizenship as per the Passports Act (1967). The Passport Seva (Passport Service) unit of the Consular, Passport & Visa (CPV) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs, functions as the central passport organisation, and is responsible for issuing Indian passports on demand to all eligible Indian citizens. Indian passports are issued at 93 passport offices located across India and at 162 Indian diplomatic missions abroad. Read more.
What is Visa ?
A visa is a conditional authorization granted by a country to a foreigner, allowing them to enter, remain within, or to leave that country. Visas typically include limits on the duration of the foreigner’s stay, territory within the country they may enter, the dates they may enter, the number of permitted visits or an individual’s right to work in the country in question. Visas are associated with the request for permission to enter a country and thus are, in some countries, distinct from actual formal permission for an alien to enter and remain in the country. In each instance, a visa is subject to entry permission by an immigration official at the time of actual entry, and can be revoked at any time. A visa most commonly takes the form of a sticker endorsed in the applicant’s passport or other travel document. Read more
Safety and protection of illiterate workers emigrating to certain countries for work is very important. So there are some formalities that has to be done before one leaves for employment in other country.
18 Countries
Iraq (Emigration is banned)
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The United Arab Emirates
YemenWhat is emigration?
“Emigration” means the leaving of Indian citizen with the intent of taking up employment in a foreign country.
As per the Emigration Act,1983 certain categories of Indian Passport holders require to obtain “Emigration Clearance” from the office of Protector of Emigrants (POE) for going to certain countries. As per the Emigration Act, “emigration” means the leaving of Indian citizen with the intent of taking up employment in a foreign country. All Ordinary Indian Passports are divided into two categories:
Emigration Check Required – ECR Passport
Non-Emigration Check Required – Non-ECR PassportAll About Non-ECR and ECR Indian Passports | Passport Seva Kendra. Read more
Protection of Emigrants
As per the Emigration Act, 1983, Emigration Check Required (ECR) categories of Indian passport holders, require to obtain “Emigration Clearance” from the office of Protector of Emigrants (POE), Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs for going to following 18 countries. Read more
Protection Of Emigrants offices. Read more.
NON ECR Passport holding Indians emigrants going for “overseas employment” to 18 notified countries are required ti register online through the www.emigrate.govt.in
Below Is the UPDATE to the above post, “Public Notice issued on 14th Nov 2018 regarding online registration for Non-ECR passport holders.”
Ministry is receiving representations regarding difficulties in online registrations on www.emigrate.gov.in, faced by Non-ECR passport holders already employed in ECR Countries. Read more.
Post Date: 17 Nov 2018
Post ID: #70169
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