[FYI] 1090, 08022943226 Elders Helpline For Destitute Women In Bangalore
The post circulating about Elders Helpline is genuine. Please read more information about this helpline in this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
Verification: Yes, This is genuine helpline for destitute women found in Bangalore
The above post is shared on social media. This is true post. Check4spam spoke to Ms Sandhya at the mentioned number. Sandhya is project incharge. She sits at the Commissioner Of Police office at Infantry road, Bangalore. She told Check4Spam that this is a joint project of Bangalore City Police and Nightingales Medical Trust. This is to help the issues faced by senior citizens.
It is basically for women who are above 60 years of age. If you find any destitute women anywhere in Bangalore, please contact the given helpline number. The concerned person will attend your call immediately. The police then takes over the investigation so as to know the exact matter and the reason behind the present condition of the woman. Then Police try to sort it out with family of the woman found on road.
If it’s beyond repair, the woman is helped by sending her to an Old Age home named Sandhya Suraksha at Shantinagar.
Kindly contact the mentioned number (08022943226) as soon as you see any such woman on road or anywhere in Bangalore.
At the same time its a request to children who trouble their old parents. Please be kind to them. Parents take care of multiple kids with minimum funds and try to provide every possible need to keep all happy. When you grow, at least make sure your parents are comfortable, at least when it comes to emotional support, be there for them. Don’t abandon them. Give them love and care. Let them play with your kids. Let the bond be strong among grandchildren and grandparents. It help kids to grow well. Take care. Be a happy family.
Post Date: 18 Feb 2019
Post ID: #71245