[SPAM] Such a Divine Rudraksha Is Very Rare to Be Seen
This is an image of fake Rudraksha. It is being circulating for many years with different superstitious messages. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
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Below post has been circulating on social media.
Such a Divine Rudraksha is very rare to be seen. Please see the miracle in the nature’s creation. Zoom it out. You will see a Trishul and a Shankh. !
Splendid miracle of Nature.
(Please forward so that others also can see)
Verification: These Are Not Pure And Natural Rudraksha
Rudraksha is a bead used as prayer bead in Hinduism. Images of Rudraksha with Trishul, Shankh, Snake, Om or Lord Ganesha and many other signs are circulating on social media. These are carvings done on fake beads. There are various businesses going on for creating fake Rudrakshas. We can check if Rudraksha is fake or real. These are made out of cheap materials. People are buying them without knowing the facts about them. A little of awareness can save us. These fake Rudrakshas are quoted with high prices.
Check out this video. You will be shocked to know how the people are fooled.
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Rudraksha |Nokiye.com
Post Date: 15 Oct 2018
Post ID: #69747
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Never seen such a Rudraksha . At first glance I thought it was rare and real.
I am Very Happy to see that type of DIVINE RUDRAKSHA