[SPAM] सिवन के पास चप्पल ख़रीदने के पैसे नहीं थे. और आज उन्होंने भारत को चांद पर पहुंचा दिया
The wrong person is shown as Dr. K. Sivan, Chairman ISRO, in the image shared on social media
Post Information:
The below post has been circulating on social media.
Verification: The wrong person is claimed to be Dr.K.Sivan in the photograph
The photograph is real. The person on the extreme left with the bag in hand is Dr.k.Sivan. The circle is made on the foot of the wrong person. Watch the link shared below. Listen to Dr. Sivan carefully in the shared video. He told about his life journey in an interview with NDTV. The photograph shown in an interview is real and the focus is made on Dr. Sivan, who is standing on the extreme left. Check the screenshot below.
From “Barefoot” At Mango Orchard To ISRO Chief: Inspiring Life Of K Sivan
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सिवन के पास चप्पल ख़रीदने के पैसे नहीं थे. I Nokiye
Post Date: 16 Sep 2019
Post ID: #73743