[SPAM] WhatsApp Group Interschools Belong to Daesh
This is a fake news. It’s similar to an different version which was earlier circulating. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
There is a watsup group called’ Interschools, if invited, don’t join the group, it belongs to Daesh(ISIS). If you join the group you will not be able to exit from it, be vigilant, please inform others. My dear send it to your relatives and children on watsup so that they will also be careful.
First of all when someone unknown adds you to a group, you get an option to SPAM it. Secondly its NOT true that you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO EXIT FROM A GROUP! Thirdly this news is more fiction as there is no real authentic report or warning about such a group.
Hence we classify this as SPAM.
It’s similar to an different version which was earlier circulating.
Please find more details at the link below.
However please note that there were reports of people being added to suspicious WhatsApp groups without their consent.
Kerala youth added in ‘IS’ WhatsApp group
The Hindu | UPDATED: MAY 08, 2017 07:07 IST
Post Date: 2nd June 2017
Post ID: #68190
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