[SPAM] राजकोट गुजरात मे एक मस्जिद से मिले हथियार और पकड़े गए शांति दूत
This is a miscaptioned post circulating with wrong claims about weapons found in Gujarat Mosque. Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.
Below post has been circulating on social media.
राजकोट गुजरात मे एक मस्जिद से मिले हथियार और पकड़े गए शांति दूत,पूरे देश की मस्जिदों का यही हाल है,सोच लो?
Mu Mithai ho jay ???
Sweets recovered from a Madrassa Masjid in Gujrat !!!I had tweeted recently that in Muslim majority areas in Kerala, as far back as the 1990s the Peaceful community had started stockpiling weapons in every home. Actually they are preparing for civil war. This arms haul is from a madrassa in Rajkot. pic.twitter.com/fnDUzZ01rh
— Rakesh Krishnan Savarkar (@ByRakeshSimha) July 31, 2019
Verification: The images are taken from different events and shared under false heading
Let’s check the facts about the images shared under fake captions:
1st Image:
Fact: Please read the fact about the image in the following link:
2nd Image:
Fact: Check the image below for the fact from the shared link: Read more
3rd Image:
Check this image @ my first love was a gun
4th Image:
थाना शेरकोट @bijnorpolice द्वारा मदरसे में अवैध शस्त्रों की तस्करी करते 06 अभियुक्तगण 01 पिस्टल, 04 तमंचे व भारी मात्रा में कारतूसों सहित गिरफ्तार। #uppolice @Uppolice @adgzonebareilly @digmoradabad @News18India pic.twitter.com/WDj3kkBfIu
— Bijnor Police (@bijnorpolice) July 11, 2019
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राजकोट गुजरात मे एक मस्जिद से मिले हथियार और पकड़े गए शांति दूत I Nokiye
Post Date: 6 Aug 2019
Post ID: #73342