[SPAM] Uttarakhand Forest Fire Photos
Irrelevant photos are shared as Uttarakhand Forest Fire on social media with exaggerated comments
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Uttarakhand Forest Fire Photos
Verification: Bogus Photos shared as Uttarakhand Forest Fire photos with Exaggerated comments
Incidents of fires in Uttarakhand have gone up in the last few days, but it is not the way it was last year in May as per officials from Uttarakhand. Social media has been flooded with images showing forest in flames. The false claims are added to the photographs as from Uttarakhand Forest Fire 2020. Dr PM Dhakate Chief Conservator of Forests at Uttarakhand Forest Dept clarified in his tweet that the shared information and photos shared as UttarkhandForest Fire is misleading. He also asked people not to panic and to stop sharing fake news and propaganda. PIB Uttarakhand also clears the fake information shared widely on social media regarding Uttarakhand Forest Fire. Hashtags like #PrayforUttarakhand and #UttarakhandForestFires are being shared widely. Old photos, images shared can be found here, here, here, here and they are from the year 2016, 2018, 2016-2017 and are not from India. No crown fire has taken place in Uttarakhand this year and these photos are misleading as per officials. There are only ground fires, the bushes and grasses are burnt. Check the links below to know the facts:
Recently, there is a huge public outcry over the Uttarakhand Forests Fires with misleading & old images being shared on various social media platforms. The Uttarakhand Forest Department forest fire crews are at the forest fire points dousing the forest fires. (1/n) pic.twitter.com/dKoV2tpQd5
— Dr. PM Dhakate (@paragenetics) May 27, 2020
Twitter user Anoop Negi a photographer himself says that the photos used with the claim PrayForUttarakhand are bogus. Some of the photographs are being taken by him in the year 2012 and the photos are from Solan, Barog in Himachal.
Fake news of forest fire 2020 in Uttarakhand are being circulated on social media. After verification of such images it has been found that these images are fake. Few such images are being uploaded by us. It is our request to kindly do not spread fake news. pic.twitter.com/B9GBK8DgaL
— Uttarakhand Forest Department @Official (@Uttkhand_Forest) May 27, 2020
In a statement on Facebook, the Uttarakhand Forest Department pointed out that many of the photos were from older incidents or other countries.
सोशल मीडिया में दिखाया जा रहा है कि उत्तराखंड के जंगलों में आग बढ़ती जा रही है लेकिन सरकार इस पर ध्यान नहीं दे रही है|@PIBFactCheck : दिखायी जा रही तस्वीरे पुरानी हैं तथा इनमें से कई दूसरे देशों से संबंधित हैं| कृपया ऐसी भ्रामक खबरों से सावधान रहें|@PIBHindi @tsrawatbjp pic.twitter.com/3I4ywVUwJ8
— PIB in Uttarakhand (@PIBDehradun) May 27, 2020
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Uttarakhand Forest Fire Photos I Nokiye
Post Date: 27 May 2020
Post ID: #76849