[SPAM] URI, Tax Free In Pakistan To Understand Indian Army Strategy
This post with claim that the film “URI” is tax free in Pakistan is not true. Please find more details in this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
Verification: Claim of “URI” being tax free in Pakistan is not true
How’s the josh ? How’s the josh ? How’s the josh?
The post shared is published on a satire website by the name “thefauxy.com”. This site share all fake news. At the end of every news they themselve write that their work is a fiction. Check the picture below to know what they claim for their own website: Read more:
The viral post is one such fiction post shared by the same satire website. Please dont believe everything immediately. Verify post on fact checking sites like ours or any other to know the fact before you forward it further or argue on social media or with others about the post. Check the image below to know more.
Lets watch URI Film Trailer and keep up the “JOSH” ( enthusiasm, excitement, passion, fire ) of being a Truth Warrior. Don’t share the fake, know the truth and share the truth if its worth sharing.
We ensure that you are updated with the facts. Please Check4spam before forwarding and believing any doubtful image, message or video. Be cautious, be safe.
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URI Tax free In Pakistan | Nokiye.com
Post Date: 13 Feb 2019
Post ID: #71174