(SPAM) WhatsApp Logo Should Turn Blue
This is a hoax about sharing post and WhatsApp Logo Turning Blue. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
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Below posts have been circulating on social media
“Dont ignore please read it carefully” Hello, I. Am VARUN PULYANI director of whatsapp, this message is to inform all of our users that we have sold whatsapp to Mukesh Ambani . Reliance for 19 billion $. WhatsApp is now controlled by mukesh Ambani . If you have at least 10 contacts send this sms and logo of your whatsapp will change to a new icon with facebook’s “f” within 24 hours.Forward this message to more than 10 people to activate your new whatsapp with facebook services or else your account will be deleted from new servers.
This is the final notice! Hello everyone, it seems that all the warnings were real, the use of WhatsApp cost money from summer 2014. If you send this string to 18 different on your list, your icon will be blue and will be free for you. If you do not believe me see tomorrow at 6 pm ending WhatsApp and have to pay to open it, this is by law This message is to inform all of our users, our servers have recently been very congested, so we are asking you to help us solve this problem. We require our active users to forward this message to each of the people in your contact list to confirm our active users using WhatsApp, if you do not send this message to all your contacts WhatsApp will then start to charge you. Your account will remain inactive with the consequence of losing all your contacts. Message from Jim Balsamic (CEO of Whatsapp ) we have had an over usage of user names on whatsapp Messenger. We are requesting all users to forward this message to their entire contact list. If you do not forward this message, we will take it as your account is invalid and it will be deleted within the next 48 hours. Please DO NOT ignore this message or whatsapp will no longer recognise your activation. If you wish to re-activate your account after it has been deleted, a charge of 25.00 will be added to your monthly bill. We are also aware of the issue involving the pictures updates not showing. We are working diligently at fixing this problem and it will be up and running as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation from the Whatsapp team” WhatsApp is going to cost us money soon. The only way that it will stay free is if you are a frequent user i.e. you have at least 10 people you are chatting with. To become a frequent user send this message to 10 people who receive it (2 ticks) and your WhatsApp logo should turn blue
to connect your whatsaap with facebook log in here
http://updateyourself.wapka.mobi/Forward this message to More than 25 WhatsApp contacts.
Company promoting there websiteGet Rs.497.54 talktime. Its true.Watch in today Times of India newspaper. Page 7.Check your balance after 10min
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✅ Hello, I. Am Abhijeet Bapat. . director of whatsapp, this message is to inform all of our users that we have sold whatsapp to Mark Zuckerberg for 19 billion $. WhatsApp is now controlled by mark zuckerberg. If you have at least 10 contacts send this sms and logo of your whatsapp will change to a new icon with facebook’s “f” within 24 hours.Forward this message to more than 10 people to activate your new whatsapp with facebook services or else your account will be deleted from new servers.
?This is the final notice! Hello everyone, it seems that all the warnings were real, the use of WhatsApp cost money from summer 2013. If you send this string to 18 different on your list, your icon will be blue and will be free for you. If you do not believe me see tomorrow at 6 pm ending WhatsApp and have to pay to open it, this is by law This message is to inform all of our users, our servers have recently been very congested, so we are asking you to help us solve this problem. We require our active users to forward this message to each of the people in your contact list to confirm our active users using WhatsApp, if you do not send this message to all your contacts WhatsApp will then start to charge you. Your account will remain inactive with the consequence of losing all your contacts. Message from Jim Balsamic (CEO of Whatsapp ) we have had an over usage of user names on whatsapp Messenger. We are requesting all users to forward this message to their entire contact list. If you do not forward this message, we will take it as your account is invalid and it will be deleted within the next 48 hours. Please DO NOT ignore this message or whatsapp will no longer recognise your activation. If you wish to re-activate your account after it has been deleted, a charge of 25.00 will be added to your monthly bill. We are also aware of the issue involving the pictures updates not showing. We are working diligently at fixing this problem and it will be up and running as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation from the Whatsapp team” WhatsApp is going to cost us money soon. The only way that it will stay free is if you are a frequent user i.e. you have at least 10 people you are chatting with. To become a frequent user send this message to 10 people who receive it (2 ticks) and your WhatsApp logo should turn blue
www.planetofperfumes.comForward this message to 25 WhatsApp contacts.
Company promoting there websiteGet Rs.497.54 talktime. Its true.
Watch in today Times of India newspaper. Page 7.
Check your balance after 10minImportant messege
शनिवार सकाळी पासून वॉट्सअप हे विकत होणार आहे जर आपनाकडे 10 कॉन्टेक्ट असतील तर पुढील संदेश त्यांना फॉरवर्ड करा.जर तुम्ही फॉरवर्ड केले तर तुम्हाला
(? ) या कलरचा/ असा लोगो मिळेल व
तुमचे वॉट्सअप अकाऊंट पुर्णता फ्री होईल.(वर्तमान पत्राच्या सांगण्यानुसार आज वॉट्सअप ची कींमत आहे 0.01€ प्रत्येक मेसेज,
तुम्ही हा मेसेज 10 जणांना पाठवला व ? चिन्ह आले तर समजा की तुमचे वॉट्सअप फ्री.
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✅ Hello, I. Am DAVID D. SURETECH founder of Whatsapp. this message is to inform all of our users that we have only 53million accounts available for new phones. Our servers have recently been very congested, so we asking for your help to solve this problem. We need our active users to forward this message to every single person in their contact list in order to confirm our active users that use WhatsApp. If you do not send this message to all your contacts to WhatsApp, then your account will remain inactive with the consequence of losing all your contacts. The automatic update symbol on your SmartPhone Will appear with the transmission of this message. Your smartphone will be updated within 24 hours, and will feature a new design; a new color for the chat and the icon will change from green to azul. Whatsapp will begin to charge unless you are a frequent user. If you have at least 10 contacts send this sms and the logo will become red on your platform
to indicate that you are an active user. Tomorrow, we wil begin to take messages for whatsapp for 0.37 cents. Forward this message to more than 9 people in your contact list and the what’s app logo on your will turn blue meaning that you have
Become a free user for life.Confirming this is the new icon WhatsApp ☑ ®Send it to all your contacts to update the application
♻send this to 10 people
To activate the new whatsapp calling for free version 4.0.0
100% WORKING!!! I GOT THE NEW WHATSAPP NOW… With free calls!!!
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Next Monday morning whatsapp will become chargeable as Facebook has ovrtaken it. If you have at least 10 contacts send them this message. In this way we will see that you are an avid user and your logo will become blue (?) and will remain free. (As discussed in the paper today. Whatsapp will cost 0.01€ per message. Send this message to 10 people. When you do the light will turn blue
otherwise whatsapp activate billing.
✅ Hello, I. Am SUMANTH SHETTY director of whatsapp, this message is to inform all of our users that we have only 53000000000000 accounts available for new phones,That our servers have recently been very congested, so we asking for your help to solve this problem. We need our active users to forward this message to every single person in your contact list in order to confirm our active users that use WhatsApp, if you do not send this message to all your contacts to WhatsApp, then your account will remain inactive with the consequence of losing all your contacts. The automatic update symbol on your SmartPhone, appear with the transmission of this message. Your smartphone will be updated within 24 hours, will feature a new design, a new color for the chat and the icon will change from green to azul.Whatsapp will pay rate unless you are a frequent user. If you have at least 10 contacts send this sms and logo will become red
to indicate that you are a frequent user Tomorrow begin to take messages for whatsapp to 0.37 cents. Forward this message to more than 9 people in your contact list and you will be free lifetime blue look and the ball will make it up
As we shall see!Confirming this is the new icon WhatsApp ☑ ®Send it to all your contacts to update the application
♻send this to 10 people
To activate the new whatsapp calling for free
Enjoy new version 4.0.0100% WORKING!!! I GOT THE NEW WHATSAPP NOW…. WID FREE CALLS!!
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A blog from WhatsApp themselves about this SPAM.
Post Code: #273
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Hi all,
Great, keep up the good work!
I can’t understand why people keep forwarding these kind of hoax messages, indiscriminately, without checking first … nowadays we are blessed with almost unlimited access to all kinds of information/sources, THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE UGLY…. !!
But still I receive this kind of nonsense every now & again.
I was wondering if the link that was included in one of those messages could cause any serious damage?
Referring to:
Thanks in advance – kind regards,