[SPAM] Sunita Williams Converted To Islam After Trip To Moon
The post circulating with wrong claims about Sunita Williams converted to Islam after trip to moon is not true. Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.
Below post has been circulating on social media.
Sunita Williams Converted To Islam After Trip To Moon
Sunita Williams ( First Indian woman who went on a space journey few months back) accepted “ISLAM” Masha Allah, bcoz when they were on the moon, they saw towards EARTH, the entire EARTH looked dark, but 2 places on the EARTH GLITERED & looked like SPARKS (Roshni). They were shocked to see that and saw them with the help of telescope and came to know that those two places were “MAKKAH” and “MADINAH” Masha Allah!. Then they decided that after reaching to earth they’ll accept “ISLAM”. So be proud u’r a muslim. Allah Hafiz…! Read more
Verification: Sunita Williams did not convert Islam
The post circulating about NASA Astronaut Sunita Williams is not true. Please check the following link to know the facts. Sunita Williams clarified this in the interview with India TV.
American Astronaut Sunita Williams exclusively on India TV published on 5 Apr 2013:
Lets watch an inspiring video: NASA Astronaut Sunita Williams:
Such fake news is being spread throughout social media. We need to be very careful before we believe it. Always make sure that you do the fact check before sharing the news further with your friends and family.
Read more about it @ Boomlive
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Sunita Williams Converted to Islam I Nokiye
Post Date: 5 Aug 2019
Post ID: #73329