Internet Rumours

[SPAM] Betel Leaves Are Prevention To Coronavirus

Betel Leaves Are Prevention To Coronavirus

The false message is viral on social media that claims Betel Leaves are prevention to Coronavirus. Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.

[SPAM] Betel Leaves Are Prevention To Coronavirus

The false message is viral on social media that claims Betel Leaves are prevention to Coronavirus

Post Information:

The below post has been circulating on social media

Betel Leaves Are Prevention To Coronavirus

Verification: Betel Leaves are not scientifically prooved as prevention or cure for Coronavirus

The message is viral on social media that claims Betel Leaves are prevention to Coronavirus. In fact, there is no proof scientifically that Betel Leaves can save one from Coronavirus. It is not a prevention or cure for Coronavirus. Please consult the doctor in case you have any symptoms of COVID-19.

Press Information Bureau clarified in its tweet. Check the link shared below:

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Betel Leaves Are Prevention To Coronavirus I Nokiye

Post Date: 11 May 2021

Post ID: #78663


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3 years ago

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