[SPAM] Roadside Sculpture Carved By A Father Who Lost His Wife And Unborn Child To A Drunk Driver
An image of a fetus carved into a roadside hill has been circulated on social media with false claims
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Roadside Sculpture Carved By A Father Who Lost His Wife And Unborn Child To A Drunk Driver
Verification: The sculpture is a tribute to the woman that gives life, by Dubian Monsalve, an artist from South America
An image of a fetus carved into a roadside hill has been circulated in social media posts ( Facebook, Twitter ) claiming that it shows a sculpture made by a man whose wife and unborn child was killed by a drunk driver. The post is being circulated with fake claims since 2016 every now and then on social media.
This giant sculpture of a baby in a womb, carved on a side of a hill on the side of a road, is located near the town of Santo Domingo in Colombia. It’s created in 2012 by South American artist Dubian Monsalve, as part of a university project commemorating victims of the country’s turbulent 1990s. He titled it “Pregnant Mountain. The artist says it is a tribute to “the woman that gives life because life is valuable from its conception to its end.” He also stated that he carried out this work because of his Christian convictions in defense of life. “I am a believer and I believe that life is worth everything. So that symbol like a ‘pregnant mountain’ also represents the woman who gives her life because life is worth a lot from its conception to its end.” Monsalve also denied his memorial was a tribute to a pregnant woman killed by a drunk driver. His work was part of his degree project with the National University of Colombia, in Medellin. This sculpture that was created in 2012 was part of his degree project called ‘Mi Casa es de Tierra’ (My House is Made of Soil),” he said. “The work still exists and is located in the municipality of Santo Domingo, Antioquia department (Colombia). (AFP Factcheck). It only gained attention recently when an anonymous person took a photo and uploaded it online.
The work can be found just outside of the town of Santo Domingo, in Colombia, and has recently become a huge tourist attraction.
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Roadside Sculpture Carved By A Father Who Lost His Wife And Unborn Child To A Drunk Driver I Nokiye
Post Date: 07 Nov 2021
Post ID: #79357