[SPAM] Please Take Care During The Rainy Season
An edited video of a man disappearing after falling into a puddle of water has been shared on social media warning people to be careful in the rainy season
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The below post has been circulating on social media
Please Take Care During The Rainy Season
Verification: Edited video of a man disappearing in a puddle is shared as real
An edited video of a man disappearing after falling into a puddle of water has been shared on social media ( Facebook, Twitter ) warning people to be careful in the rainy season. The video is not real. It is shared earlier too.
Check4Spam received the video for verification on Whatsaap.
Watch the video on Tenore.com. Few things can be noted:
The face of the man holding the umbrella has been obfuscated.
The man leaves the umbrella even before he hits the puddle.
The man does not react to falling.
Man didn’t even lift his left leg before he vanishes into the puddle. It is almost as if he walked into the puddle.
The shadow between his thighs also remains the same throughout. This shows that his legs did not react to the fall
SM Hoaxslayer had posted about the video earlier as the same video is being shared earlier too. The video shared below can be compared to what happens in a viral video of a man disappearing into a puddle all of a sudden.
Read more @SM Hoaxslayer
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Please Take Care During The Rainy Season I Nokiye
Post Date: 17 June 2021
Post ID: #78834