(CLOSED/SPAM) Breaking news- Bangalore Petrol Pumps will be closed for the next 3 days
Post Information:
The below post has been circulating on social media
Breaking news-Petrol Pumps will be closed for the next 3 days due to strike called by petroleum dealers association due to the increase in price. Pls pass on the this msg to all your contacts. pls full ur tank immediately.
This is a tricky message. It will become valid when there is a strike planned in the next 3 days from when you are reading this message. So we will have to update this post whenever we know about a strike in plan. So be it… 🙂
So the latest news is there is NO NEWS of any strike. We will update it when we hear of any. So this post is considered CLOSED/SPAM.
There is a Bangalore City Police Tweet to confirm about NO STRIKE planned in the coming days. Please find it below.
Post Date: 15 Sep 2016
Post ID: #807
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