Global Times News shared a fake claim that Qutub Minar added the color of the Russian flag on it. Please read more...
An old video of a young Palestinian girl confronting an Israeli soldier in Palestine is being shared as from Ukraine. Please read...
An old video of an American Marine meeting his family is shared as from Ukraine. Please read more about it in the...
An old photo from the year 2016 shows two small children holding hands and saluting Ukrainian troops following Russia’s 2022 invasion. Please...
Old images of Ukraine president Zelenskyy that are not related to the February invasion by Russia are shared with misleading claims on...
An old photo with the misleading claim that Russian Troops are withdrawing from the Ukrainian border and returning to their permanent bases...
An edited image is shared on social media with claims that say China plants chicken organs in other animals for faster eggs...
The video of Military musicians performing songs in the Tashkent metro is shared as Russian soldiers dance in preparation for war in...
An image of a landscape of the rising moon with an illuminated expressway is circulating on social media with the claim that...
A video from Karnataka is viral as police beat pro-hijab protestors in West Bengal. Please read more about it in the verification...