[SPAM] Lulu Hypermarket Will Give Away Coupons Worth Rs 5000 During Pandemic Alert
The fake post is shared with a false link with claims of Lulu Hypermarket giving away coupons worth Rs 5000 during the pandemic alert.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
Lulu Hypermarket Will Give Away Coupons Worth Rs 5000 During Pandemic Alert
Verification: The fake link is shared. There are no giveaway coupons worth Rs 5000 announced by Lulu Hypermarket during the pandemic alert
The link shared in the viral post with claims of the giveaway of coupons worth Rs 5000 is fake. The link when opened asks for sharing it further to 20 people. Check the pages opened when the link ( http://lulu.okcoupons.net/ ) is clicked:
Check the links below to know the facts:
Coronavirus fake news: Don’t fall for this Lulu offer: In a statement to Gulf News, V. Nandakumar, chief communications officer Lulu Group said, “We have alerted the authorities to take appropriate action. We urge everyone not to fall for such fraudulent messages and to not spread it further. Always refer to Lulu Group’s official social media handles for any updates and announcements.” Read more
No comment on rumours of being acquired: Lulu: Read more
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Lulu Hypermarket Will Give Away Coupons Worth Rs 5000 During Pandemic Alert I Nokiye
Post Date: 29 Apr 2020
Post ID: #76435