[SPAM] Legendary Bhagat Singh’s Sister Parkash Kaur Ji Passed Away At The Age Of 96
The fake post is circulating on social media claiming that Martyr Bhagat Singh’s sister died recently at the age of 96
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media
“Legendary Bhagat Singh’s Sister Parkash Kaur Ji Passed Away At The Age Of 96 Years
96 years old S.Bhagat Singh’s Sister RIP..
जय हिन्द इन्कलाब जिन्दाबाद
‘भगत सिंह की छोटी बहन प्रकाश कौर 96 वर्ष की आयु में आज हमारे बीच नहीं रही । किसी भी नेता – राजनेता ने शोक नहीं बताया लेकिन आप सभी देश | भक्त अवश्य श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करें । दिल से नमन है वीर भाई की वीरांगना बहन को.’
Verification: Bhagat Singh’s Sister died on 28 Sep 2014 when she was 94 years old
The fake post is circulating on social media claiming that Martyr Bhagat Singh sister died recently at the age of 96. The claim states “Legendary Bhagat Singh’s sister Parkash Kaur Ji passed away at the age of 96 years. I pay homage by bowing my head to great Family Om Shanti”.
On search with keywords we found that Bhagat Singh’s sister Bibi Prakash Kaur died on 28 Sep 2014 in Canada. She was paralysed and bedridden since 2008. She was 94 when she passed away. She passed away on the 107th birth anniversary of the martyr Bhagat Singh (28 September). The news was published in Times Of India, Hindustan Times, Jagran Josh.
According to Babushahi.com Prakash Kaur died at the age of 93 as told to them by Eminent Writer, intellectual and researcher on life of Bhagat Singh, Prof. Chaman Lal.
The viral post was also debunked by fact-checking sites earlier too. In the viral post, the age of Bhagat Singh’s sister is mention as 96 years. Check it on @ SMHoaxslayer, Boomlive.
Check the news video shared by Dayanandnightnews (Day & Night News is a multi-lingual 24-hour satellite television news station from Chandigarh with a primary focus on Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Delhi & NCR, and Chandigarh.) It has been stated that Bhagat Singh’s sister Prakash Kaur died on 28 Sep 2014 and the day happens to be Bhagat Singh’s birth anniversary.
We also found the following video about Prakash Kaur:
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Legendary Bhagat Singh’s Sister Parkash Kaur Ji Passed Away At The Age Of 96 I Nokiye
Post Date: 4 Dec 2021
Post ID: #78173