[SPAM] भारत में बिकने वाले आयोडीन नमक में कैंसर है: अमेरिकी लैब
The post circulating about Iodine salt sold in India is not true. Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.
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Below post has been circulating on social media.
भारत में बिकने वाले आयोडीन नमक में कैंसर है : अमेरिकी लैब
कई देशों ने आयोडीनयुक्त नमक बंद कर दिया है,ये नमक अप्राकृतिक है। सेंधा नमक प्रकृति का बनाया है। यह शरीर मे 97 पोषक तत्वों की कमी पूरा करता है।
आप स्वस्थ रहना चाहते है तो सेंधा या काला नमक ही खाएं।https://t.co/3ankHgmR5J pic.twitter.com/1Tko9IgEN7
— AzaadBharat Official (@AzaadBharatOrg) July 2, 2019
Verification: There are no poisonous substances in Indian salts that cause cancer
Fake information about salts sold in India is spreading fast on social media. The same false information was also circulated in Mainland China, the United States, Canada, European Union member countries, Australia and New Zealand, etc. There is a difference between Cyanide and Ferrocyanide.
Recently, there have been rumors circulating on the social media in mainland China claiming that potassium ferrocyanide in salt is hazardous to health. Read more
What Is Cyanide
The term “cyanide” refers to any chemical containing a carbon-nitrogen (CN) bond. Many substances contain cyanide, but not all of them are deadly poisons. Sodium cyanide (NaCN), potassium cyanide (KCN), hydrogen cyanide (HCN), and cyanogen chloride (CNCl) are lethal, but thousands of compounds called nitriles contain the cyanide group yet aren’t as toxic. In fact, you can find cyanide in nitriles used as pharmaceuticals, such as citalopram (Celexa) and cimetidine (Tagamet). Nitriles aren’t as dangerous because they don’t readily release the CN- ion, which is the group that acts as a metabolic poison.
Potassium ferrocyanide
Potassium ferrocyanide, as a legal food additive, is widely used as a powder food anticoagulant at home and abroad. As long as it is legally added to the standard, it will not affect human health.
Is potassium ferrocyanide poisonous?
Many people will pay attention to potassium cyanide when they see the words potassium ferrocyanide. Potassium ferrocyanide (Potassium Ferrocyanide) is commonly known as yellow blood salt, and its chemical formula is K4[Fe (CN) 6]. 3H2O. The content of potassium ferrocyanide in salt bags was measured by Fe(CN)6]4-, i.e. ferrocyanide. Because ferrocyanide is a complete unit, 6 cyanide ions are coordinated with two valent iron. Therefore, potassium ferrocyanide is not ferrocyanide potassium, but ferrocyanide potassium. Read more
Tata Group, the country’s largest conglomerate, has been battling to dispel a misinformation campaign about the safety of its biggest brand Tata Salt after reports emerged last week that several branded salts in India contain alarming level of potassium ferrocyanide. Read more
Regulatory bodies and associations like FSSAI and Indian Medical Association have also categorically debunked this, the company said. https://t.co/dLNCbMwZRK @_deshkanamak
— ET Brand Equity (@ETBrandEquity) July 3, 2019
“Ferrocyanides are used as anti-caking agents in processing of salt and are safe for consumption. Test reports quoted in media have shown its presence well within limit of 10 mg/kg, as specified by FSSAI. This is less than 14 mg/kg specified by Codex (International Food Standards),” the FSSAI wrote on Twitter.
Sendha Namak ( Rock Salt, Epsom Salt ): Know more about the salt
सेंधा नमक, सैन्धव नमक, लाहौरी नमक या हैलाईट (Halite) सोडियम क्लोराइड (NaCl), यानि साधारण नमक, का क्रिस्टल पत्थर-जैसे रूप में मिलने वाला खनिज पदार्थ है। यह अक्सर रंगहीन या सफ़ेद होता है, हालांकि कभी-कभी अन्य पदार्थों की मौजूदगी से इसका रंग हल्का नीला, गाढ़ा नीला, जामुनी, गुलाबी, नारंगी, पीला या भूरा भी हो सकता है। भारतीय खाने में और चिकित्सा में हाज़मे के लिए इस्तेमाल होने वाला काला नमक भी एक प्रकार का सेंधा नमक होता है: Read more
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भारत में बिकने वाले आयोडीन नमक में कैंसर है I Nokiye
Post Date: 22 July 2019
Post ID: #73173