[SPAM] Hindu Boy Sacrificed In Bihar To Build A Mosque
The fake post with claims that a Hindu boy was sacrificed in Gopalganj Bihar by Muslims to build a Mosque is circulating on social media.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
Hindu family leaves Gopalganj district in Bihar due to fear, claims their minor son was sacrificed to make a local Mosque ‘powerfule
Hindu boy’s sacrifice for a new mosque: Police beat a family to complain!
Verification: The boy in Bihar was not sacrificed to build Mosque
The post claims that a Hindu boy named Rohit Jayswal was sacrificed by Muslims on 29 March 2020, to make a Mosque more powerful. Check4Spam talked to Shri Manoj Kumar Tiwari, Superintendent of Police Gopalganj. He told “The post-mortem reports says that the boy was drowned. There were two Hindu boys and three Muslim boys involved in this case. There is no allegation from the family of a boy of killing him by Muslims as a sacrifice to build a Mosque or make it more powerful. The investigation is still on”.
Post-mortem reports can be seen below:
A few media channels published the story with false claims as “Hindu family leaves Gopalganj district in Bihar due to fear, claims their minor son was sacrificed to make a local Mosque powerful “, and “Hindu boy’s sacrifice for a new mosque: Police beat a family to complain!” The reports can be seen here and here.
डीजीपी गुप्तेश्वर पाण्डेय ने मामले की छानबीन के बाद कहा कि रोहित की डूब जाने से मौत हुई या हत्या,इसका अनुसंधान चल रहा है। जल्द ही इसका खुलासा हो जाएगा। लेकिन,इसे पोर्टल व सोशल मीडिया में संप्रदायिक रंग देने का प्रयास किया जाना गलत है।
We are in constant touch with Gopalgunj Superintendent of Police. The death of the boy is still under investigation. We will keep you updated on this report as we hear further from Gopalganj Police on this matter.
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Hindu Boy Sacrificed In Bihar to make a Mosque Powerful I Nokiye
Post Date: 12 May 2020
Post ID: #76676