(SPAM) E-Property Pass Book (EPPB)
This is a hoax. Please check our verification section for more details.
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The below post has been circulating on social media
*E-Property Pass Book (EPPB):-*
From 1/4/2017 all properties are invalid for one year.
You can’t sell or buy any property until u register your properties in the E-Property Pass book.
*EPPB will be linked with PAN, Aadhar online.*
Owner has to personally report with ownership proof to Sub Registrar office where spl officers will enter all your property details in EPPB.
Once it is entered in EPPB your properties will become yours.
They will have one more spl counter for emergency sellers, mortgagers, buyers where they can do exchange of properties but with full details of all properties.
*Upto 31/3/2018 all properties will be entered in EPPB.*
*From 1/4/2018 Govt will take over the properties not entered in EPPB.*
Real Estate Surgical Strike on Black Assets!
There are no authentic reports from Government or authorities or main stream media evidence about the so called EPPB. As soon as we have a main stream report which denounces this post we shall add a reference here. This for sure is a hoax message.
Please note that we have received a lot of queries asking whether the below pics are related to this EPPB scheme.
Kindly note that digitizing property is something already in place in North Delhi since 2015 under the UPIC (Unique Property Identification Code) scheme. These pics are related to the UPIC scheme of North Delhi Municipality.
Please read more about UPIC at the link below:
Post date: 21 Nov 2016
Post ID: #1174
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How does President Elect Trump and his relatives who might have owned several properties in India could do this? If this is not a hoax, it is highly impractical and inviting grave trouble. How are poor old people who can’t even walk or see well re-register property in India standing in a queue? They are plenty in India. This is a little overboard not well thought one if this is anywhere real. This may be an utter non-sense and a hoxes like many fake news in Face book and Whatsapp. India need to ban these social media so that kids… Read more »