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[SPAM] Death By Drinking Coke After Eating Mango

death drinking coke eating mango spam

It’s a hoax about death by drinking coke after eating mangoes. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.

[SPAM] Death By Drinking Coke After Eating Mango

It’s a hoax about death by drinking coke after eating mangoes. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.

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Below post has been circulating on social media

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Being Forwarded as received . Please be careful and give due respect to the incident.
Recently an Indian tourist to China, ate a few mangos
(fanas) and immediately thereafter consumed Coca Cola.
Within short time he collapsed. He was taken to hospital and was declared dead. The Doctor then revealed that after mango, no aeriated drinks should be consumed”as this combination turns into a very potent poison, capable of instantly killing a human.

This is the season for mango and none should commit the mistake of taking soft drinks such as Coke, Pepsi etc. If at all to be consumed, do so at least after 8 hours of eating mango, as this fruit takes a lot of time to get fully digested.

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Quoting the debunk from hoax-slayer

The claims are utter nonsense. There are no credible medical or news reports that confirm the story in any way. Mangos and Coke do not and cannot combine to form a deadly poison as claimed. These are foods that are eaten together by many thousands of people around the world with no ill effect whatsoever.

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Post Date: 26th April 2017

Post ID: #67955

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