
(CLOSED) Missing Kid at Ganga Nagar Police Station

missing kid ganga nagar police station

The missing kid at Ganga Nagar Police Station is back with his family. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.

(CLOSED) Missing Kid at Ganga Nagar Police Station

This kid is back with his family. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.

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Below post has been circulating on social media.

Missing Kid at Ganga Nagar Police Station

missing kid ganga nagar police station


Below news report tells the story. Quoting from the article…

पेशावर। पाकिस्तान के खैबर पख्तूनखवा में अपने घर से लापता हुआ 7 साल का मासूम भारत के राजस्थान से मिला है। तुफैल इस्माइल की उम्र उस वक्त 5 साल थी जब 6 जून 2014 को वह लापता हो गया था। तुफैल के पिता जफर अली ने बताया कि वह उस वक्त सरदरयाब से तेरनाब में अपना घर शिफ्ट कर रहे थे। Read more: http://hindi.news18.com/news/world/with-the-help-of-social-media-missing-kp-boy-found-in-india-485255.html

Post Date: 17 Feb 2017

Post ID: #39960

Verification Volunteered By: Piyush Shah

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5 years ago

Doing good job check4spam.com

5 years ago
Reply to  Deepak

Thank you Mr Deepak.

Sneha yadav
2 years ago

Thankyou for providing right information

2 years ago
Reply to  Sneha yadav

Welcome Sneha Yadav 🙂

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