(SPAM) children found in Indore Patna express Accident
This is a false news. The kids in the picture are kids from Syria. Please find more details at our verification section in this article.
Post Information:
Below posts have been circulating on social media with the picture below.
Plz help for children
यह बच्चे आज सुबह हुए इन्दोर- पटना रेल हादसे के हे ॥ इन फोटो को इतना शेयर कीजिए कि यह अपने परिवार तक पहुंच सके ॥
This children found in Indore Patna express Accident,plz guys share
Chandra mohan Thakur
These children are missing from their family in patna -indore train accident in Kanpur….
Police have found anonymous children in Indore-Patna Train accident and they don’t know where to go.
Please “share” this so that they can reach to their place.
Contact Shri “Chandra Mohan Thakur” for more detail. +919754538699 .
Via Lady Police Officer posted in Chattisgarh – Smita Tandi
Post Credit – HOI Pg.
The picture is of kids from Syria. Please find the details below.
Post Date: 22 Nov 2016
Post ID: #1183
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