(SPAM) Guy Captured Video On Cell Phone at Kruger National Park Sold to Nat Geo for One Million Dollars
This is fake. The videos circulating with the posts are either from real movies or from professional programs on TV. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
This video was captured by a guy on his cell phone at Kruger National park. Sold to Nat Geo for 1 million dollars.
One of the best videos for wildlife lovers, amazing stuff.
There are more than one videos circulating with the same post. We have put below the truth of all those videos.
Video 1:
Scenes from the movie called Benji The Hunted (1987) Please find the trailer below.
Video 2:
The origin of this video was from BBC Earth. Please find the video below.
An article on the filming of the scenes.
Having said that, there are some claims that its a faked video. Please find more info at the link below.
Post Date: 20th March 2017
Post ID: #67256
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