Internet Rumours

[SPAM] Bra Of Nowadays Causing Cancer Into The Body Of Women

Bra Of Nowadays Causing Cancer Into The Body Of Women

The fake post is on circulation with irrelevant captions to the breast and bra images. Please read more about it in verification section of this article.

[SPAM] Bra Of Nowadays Causing Cancer Into The Body Of Women

The fake post is on circulation with irrelevant captions to the breast and bra images. Please read more about it in verification section of this article.

Post Information:

Below post has been circulating on social media.

Verification: Images and captions have no correlation

The post is in circulation on and off with irrelevant captions to the images. There is no correlation between captions and images. These images are shown on the link shared below, that alert people from buying second hand stuff as they may contain chemicals or things which may be harmful. Check the link below to know about the images.

Health Alert For Women: Dangers Of Second-hand Undergarments: Read more

The images shared with fake claims can be seen in the link shared below:

Obviously, looking good is a must thing for everyone especially women. Obviously too, it’s not everyone that is naturally endowed exactly in the right places hence the invention of push-up bras, fake busts and even fake ass tights. However, to achieve the desired effect in our appearances, we have often resorted to purchasing a few second- handed clothings because of our limited finances to make up for our important needs.
It’s no secret that women are the worse ‘offenders’ in this.
However, these second-handed clothes sometimes are packaged with stuffs that will at least give them an acceptable scent. Some of these can be seriously harmful.
In the following pictures, please see what I assume should be camfor has done to a woman’s breast because of second-handed bra.

Read more @ Africa Check

Girls at one particular age do have lots of doubts about kind of Bra they should wear. As we share the facts, we also share some information that can be useful to the readers:

How a Bra should fit: Read more


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Bra And Cancer I Nokiye

Post Date: 21 Jan 2020

Post ID: #74999


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