[SPAM] भारत को हिन्दुराष्ट्र बनाने के लिये कठिन तपस्या
Images of Baba Ramdev with women is shared with wrong captions. Please read more about it in verification section of this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
Verification: The post is with wrong captions about Baba Ramdev
Twitter account of Kakawani usually share fakes. This tweet about Baba Ramdev was also shared by this twitter user. He removed the tweet later. We had a screenshort of the tweet that we are sharing with you in this article. Please check the following links to know the fact about the photograph.
Read more about it @ The Lallantop .com
While we share the facts, Let us watch some Asnaas and Pranayam taught by Baba Ramdev, that keeps the body and mind healthy. Baba Ramdev has been a Yoga Guru for many since years. Many people are benefited with Yoga and Aushadhi provided by Patanjali. Herbs are used to make medicines:
Kapalbhaati is an asana that controls weight and many other diseases:
We ensure that you are updated with the facts. Please Check4spam before forwarding and believing any doubtful image, message or video. Be cautious, be safe.
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भारत को हिन्दुराष्ट्र बनाने के लिये कठिन तपस्या I Nokiye
Post Date: 17 Sep 2019
Post ID: #73775