Internet Rumours

[SPAM] Corona Virus Effects Due to cold Drinks and Milk Sweets

An old video is circulating on social media, with false claims about Corona Virus. Please read more about it in verification section of this article.

[SPAM] Corona Virus Effects Due to cold Drinks and Milk Sweets 

An old video is circulating on social media, with false claims about Corona Virus. Please read more about it in verification section of this article.

Post Information:

Below post has been circulating on social media.

Korona virus, very new deadly form of virus, china is suffering, may come to India immediately, avoid any form of cold drinks, ice creams, koolfee, etc, any type of preserved foods, milkshake, rough ice, ice colas, milk sweets older then 48 hours, for atleast 90 days from today.

आप बाजार से कुछ भी खाते पीते हैं तो ध्यान रखें, ये एक कीड़ा है जोकि BOTTLE, CANE आदि पर चिपका होता है और फिर आपके मुंह पर आ जाता है।।


Verification: Irrelevant video is shared with false caption

The video shared is with irrelevant captions. There is no connection of Corona Virus to the video shared. The video is of the surgery of a person who was operated for a Caterpillar in his lip. On searching the video with the key-frames, the following video was found. Check the link below to know the facts:

Caption to the video is shared below with google translation:

Shared below is the longer video. The video was shared in Oct 2010, much before the Corona Virus outbreak:

Read More @ Boom Live


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Corona Virus Effects  I Nokiye

Post Date: 6 Feb 2020

Post ID: #75122


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