[SPAM] 169 People Testing Positive For COVID-19 In Omkar Alta Monte Building In Malad East
The fake post is shared with claims about 169 people being tested positive For COVID-19 in Omkar Alta Building in Malad East, Mumbai
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
169 People Testing Positive For #COVID19 In #Omkar Alta Monte Building In Malad East
Verification: The image shares is of a screening camp organized at Omkar Alta Monte Building Malad East
The image is of a screening camp organised at the premises is shared with false claims. The fake message is spread that 169 people tested positive for COVID19 in Omkar Alta Monte Building in Malad East. People from the building rubbished the fake message. People from the same building also had shared about the screening camp held at the building on 27th June 2020. Check the tweet below:
@mybmcWardPN @MumbaiPolice BMC proactively came and did a door to door screening of residents of Omkar Alta Monte in Malad East…fake rumours being spread that there are over a hundred cases in our complex, please help take action @MahaCyber1 pic.twitter.com/kkA4UiLJm2
— CV Meenakshi (@ceeveeem) June 30, 2020
BMC and Free Press Journal and Mumbai Mirror also clarified this on its Twitter account:
This image from Omkar Alta Monte, Malad (E) making rounds on social media claims that 169 residents have tested positive for COVID19. We would like to inform that the said news is false. The image is of a screening camp organised at the premises. We urge citizens to not panic. pic.twitter.com/528OH2uRmb
— माझी Mumbai, आपली BMC (@mybmc) June 30, 2020
Fake News Alert: @mybmc rejects rumour that 169 tested COVID-19 positive in Malad's Omkar Alta Monte Building
— Free Press Journal (@fpjindia) June 30, 2020
NO, residents of this Malad society haven't tested positive for #COVID19.https://t.co/T3ddSH5bG2
— TOI Plus (@TOIPlus) June 30, 2020
Read more @ Boom Live
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169 People Testing Positive For COVID-19 In Omkar Alta Monte Building In Malad East I Nokiye
Post Date: 1 July 2020
Post ID: #77171