Internet Rumours

[SPAM] आजादी के लिए कोड़े खाते भगत सिंह जी की तस्वीर

आजादी के लिए कोड़े खाते भगत सिंह जी की तस्वीर

The fake claims are given to the irrelevant photo claiming it to be the photo of freedom fighter Bhagat Singh. Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.

[SPAM] आजादी के लिए कोड़े खाते भगत सिंह जी की तस्वीर

The fake claims are given to the irrelevant photo claiming it to be the photo of freedom fighter Bhagat Singh

Post Information:

The below post has been circulating on social media

Verification: The man in the photo is not freedom fighter Bhagat Singh

The false post is being shared on Facebook and Twitter recently and since long with claims “आजादी के लिए कोड़े खाते भगत सिंह जी की तस्वीर उस समय के अखबार में छपी थी ताकि और कोई भगत सिंह ना बने हिन्दुस्थान में..क्या गांधी-नेहरू की ऐसी कोई तस्वीर है आपके पास ?फिर केसे उनको राष्ट्र पिता मान लू ?कैसे मान लूं कि चरखे ने आजादी दिलाई ?”

Check the links below to know the fact:

The photo is from the year 1919 and is from Kasur Railway station. The photo can be seen in the article from Slideshare. There is no mention of Bhagat Singh in the article. Check the screenshot from the article with the caption Jallianwala bagh massacre 1919 and its after-effects in Kasur:

The same image can also be seen in the article shared by Sabrang on 17th April 2019 with the caption “A Century Down, Key Archival Docs remain buried: Jallianwala Bagh.” Check the article and the screenshot from the article:

According to the book The Jail Notebook And Other Writings, Bhagat Singh was 12 years old in 1919 and he was never arrested in that year by Britishers. Kim A. Wagner tweeted about the photo and the place in the year 2018.


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आजादी के लिए कोड़े खाते भगत सिंह जी की तस्वीर I Nokiye

Post Date: 15 Sep 2021

Post ID: #79191


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