Internet Rumours

[SPAM] बच्चों की किडनी निकाल कर उनको जान से मार देने वाले 28 साधु पकड़े गए हैं

बच्चों की किडनी निकाल कर उनको जान से मार देने वाले 28 साधु पकड़े गए हैं

An old video of Sadhus with Saffron clothes is being shared with false claims of their arrest in child organ trafficking. Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.

[SPAM] बच्चों की किडनी निकाल कर उनको जान से मार देने वाले 28 साधु पकड़े गए हैं

An old video of Sadhus with Saffron clothes is being shared with false claims of their arrest in child organ trafficking

Post Information:

The below post has been circulating on social media

बच्चों की किडनी निकाल कर उनको जान से मार देने वाले 28 साधु पकड़े गए हैं


Verification: The information about the arrest of 28 sadhus is false

A video of Sadhus with Saffron clothes is being shared with claims “बच्चों की #किडनी निकाल के बेचते रंगे हाथ पकड़े गए 28 #साधु उत्तर प्रदेश में चल क्या रहा है इसका जवाब कौन देगा कभी बाराबंकी तो कभी वाराणसी हर जगह से बच्चें चोरी किए जा रहे हैं उनकी किडनी निकाल के बा़डी को जंगल में फेंक दिया जा रहा है”, and ” बच्चों की किडनी निकाल कर उनको जान से मार देने वाले 28 साधु पकड़े गए हैं” on Twitter and Facebook, Youtube.The audio to video in the background is morphed that claims that 28 Sadhus from Beerapatti village of Banaras were caught red handed while killing children to steal their kidneys.

In fact, according to the Varanasi Rural Police, the sadhus in the video are not related to the incidence. The video is old and misleading audio is being added. The Varanasi (Rural) Social Media Cell Tweeted and also issued a written statement on the spread of the video with false claims. According to the statement, on September 1st, 2022, the people were suspicious of the sadhus who were begging for alms in the Indrawar village of Baragaon. The police were informed and the sadhus were then brought to the police station and interrogated. But there was no evidence of any criminal activity to police. Check the tweet and statement shared below to know the facts:


Police also appealed to people to not spread false information.

The video is shared with false claims. The news of the arrest of 28 sadhus is false.

Read more @AltNews.

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बच्चों की किडनी निकाल कर उनको जान से मार देने वाले 28 साधु पकड़े गए हैं I Nokiye

Post Date: 19 Sep 2022

Post ID: #80663


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