[SPAM] पाकिस्तान में तालिबानियों की मदद से पहली मस्जिद अंतरिक्ष में लांच की गई
The post with old images from Iraq from the year 2014 is shared with false claims of the Taliban people blasting Mosque in Pakistan
Post Information:
The below post has been circulating on social media
Verification: The image shared is from Iraq from the year 2014
The post with old images from Iraq from the year 2014 is shared with false claims “पाकिस्तान में तालिबानियों की मदद से पहली मस्जिद अंतरिक्ष में लांच की गई | भारत मे बैठे तालिबान प्रेमियो बधाइयां रुकनी नही चाहिए ” is being shared on Facebook and Twitter.
The image is from Iraq when almost a dozen ancient shrines and Shia mosques were destructed at Isis-controlled territory in western Iraq. The same image is viral with false claims. In fact, the real news including the image can be seen shared by The Times UK on July 07, 2014, with the caption “Isis Blows up Shia Shrines and mosques”. An article in DailyMail was published on July 07, 2014, with the image and videos of the incident with the caption “Ancient shrines become latest casualties of ISIS rampage: Islamic extremists demolish mosques and temples as they spread their carnage through Iraq.” IraqNews also shared an article with the news caption “URGENT: ISIL destroys Mosul mosques, pillages contents.”
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पाकिस्तान में तालिबानियों की मदद से पहली मस्जिद अंतरिक्ष में लांच की गई I Nokiye
Post Date: 27 Aug 2021
Post ID: #79131