[SPAM] नाम- जसप्रीत सन्धु उम्र 6 साल समय 53 सेकंड 80 राउंड
The video of a Chinese girl from Xinzhou, performing forward and backward somersaults is falsely shared as from India
Post Information:
The below post has been circulating on social media
नाम- जसप्रीत सन्धु उम्र 6 साल समय 53 सेकंड 80 राउंड
हैरतअंगेज कलाकारी..
उम्र-6 साल
समय-53 सेकेंड
राउंड.. 80
आप देखिए..वास्तव में, देश के बच्चों में क़ाबिलियत की कमी नहीं है।#वाया_वाट्सएप@richaanirudh@ManjuChattarjee@BimlaVerma6@SrBachchan@hvgoenka@anandmahindra@_MohitChauhan@DrKumarVishwas @SureshM46 #funny_video #cute pic.twitter.com/1UdChqdy4o— Jitendra S Jorawat (@perfecttonn) August 3, 2021
Verification: Video is of a Chinese girl by the name of Li Jiamin from Xinzhou
The video of a Chinese girl from Xinzhou, performing forward and backward somersaults is falsely shared as from India
The video of a girl was shared on Facebook and then was shared on Twitter with false claims that convey that the video is of an Indian girl and the comments on the post refer to talents in Indian kids.
” नाम- जसप्रीत सन्धु उम्र 6 साल समय 53 सेकंड 80 राउंड ”
The claims are wrong. The girl performing somersaults is not Jaspreet Sandhu. In fact, the child performing forward and backward somersaults can be seen in the video shared below on the Youtube channel Ruptly. The video was published on 30th April 2021. The girl’s name is Li Jiamin and she is from Xinzhou. A talented Chinese girl Li Jiamin from Xinzhou can perform as many as 100 somersaults non-stop at the tender age of 6. Ruptly is an international video news agency headquartered in Berlin, Germany. Launched in 2012 it is a part of the same media family as the Emmy-nominated global news network RT. Ruptly is aimed to supply online broadcasters as well as traditional television broadcasters with comprehensive digital video content, covering all major issues of our time with an emphasis on stories widely ignored by the mainstream media. The video can also be seen on Rumble published on 29th April 2021 sharing the talent of Li.
Raed the description in the video on Youtube.
The same room can be seen in the video shared below. The description of the video published by South China Morning Post is “A 5-year-old girl from China’s Shanxi province can do 80 somersaults continuously in 1 minute. She has been practicing it for 1.5 years with her father and wants to break the Guinness World Record someday.” as the video is from the year 2020 the age is written 5.
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नाम- जसप्रीत सन्धु उम्र 6 साल समय 53 सेकंड 80 राउंड I Nokiye
Post Date: 06 Aug 2021
Post ID: #79040