[SPAM] Woman Killed Husband With Crushed Apple Seeds
The news is not true. The Cyanide poisoning was done by adding Cyanide in Orange juice. However there are reports which says consumption of large amount of Apple seed (on a scale of around 200 seeds) can be dangerous. More details at the verification section of this article.
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There was a very recent murder case in Australia where an Indian woman killed her husband by giving him crushed Apple seeds. She & her lover have been convicted and sentenced for 22 years & 25 years in prison. I never knew till now that apple seeds contain Cyanide. I searched for the info & was surprised to find that apple seeds do contain Cyanide. This is also one reason why insects hardly hit an apple crop. They know instinctively maybe. Please ensure that the seeds are removed before eating apples. Specially children should not be given a whole apple. Instead cut, remove the seeds before giving it to them. You can google for the veracity of of my observation if you have doubts. And do spread the message around to as many people as you can.
The news is not true. The Cyanide poisoning was done by adding Cyanide in Orange juice.
Indian-origin woman, ex-lover jailed for murder in Australia | The Hindu JUNE 22, 2018
However there are reports which says consumption of large amount of Apple seed (on a scale of around 200 seeds) can be dangerous.
Are Apple Seeds Poisonous? | Healthline May 29, 2018
Post Date: 3 July 2018
Post ID: #69368
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