[SPAM] UNESCO Declares Pazhankanji The Healthiest Breakfast Item In The Whole World
This post claiming that UNESCO certified Pazhankanji as the the healthiest breakfast item in the whole world, circulating on social media is fake. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
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Below post has been circulating on social media.
Finally the deserved reward comes for Pazhankanji. It got selected as the healthiest breakfast. It’s a time of pride for Malayalis. (as written in post in malayalam)
Verification: Pazhankanji as the healthiest item for breakfast is not declared by UNESCO
Health is very important. We all know it very well. We must have healthy, hygienic, well cooked nutritious food. It keeps our body and mind healthy. But when it comes to our brain, shall we not keep that too clean and healthy. Unfortunately we ignore this aspect often. Definitely we should eat healthy breakfast. May be Idli, Dosa, Upma, Paratha or Pazhankanji.
We believe in what is shown to us without finding facts about it. Now let’s look at the certificate.
Look at the signature and let’s first check out who is the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) DIRECTOR GENERAL in the year 2018. The name written on certificate is Irina Bekova who was the former UNESCO Director General. At present the Director General of UNESCO is Audrey Azoulay She was appointed ad DG UNESCO on 10th November 2017. So now we can clearly believe that this is a fake post.
Below is the picture of Present UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay.
Audrey Azoulay
Director-General of the UNESCO
Another such fake that UNESCO denounces is the allegations of certificate of Islam as the most peaceful religion posted on Jantakareporter
“We wish to refer to the recent allegations posted on the website jantakareporter, citing an alleged statement and certificate from UNESCO declaring “Islam as the most peaceful religion of the world”. Such statement was never made by the Organization and that the certificate reproduced on this website is a fake one. The website that published this information is a satirical media.” Media Services
“We used to ignore such emails and Whats App messages as harmless rumor-mongering but it is really getting out of hand now. Respectable publications and people have started sharing these ‘declarations now’ damaging UNESCO’s name. What will people think, we spend our whole day listening to national anthems, reading religious books and observing how PMs around the world walk and talk? We are doing something good here, trying to make the world a better place. Actually trying to make the world a better place, not like the beauty queens at Ms Universe pageant”, said an exasperated UNESCO official.
“This is the last declaration from us that is not related to our work so can people please just stop sharing that Whats App message? You get absolutely no points or money for circulating these messages so just don’t. Just circulate cat pics and dog videos like normal people”, the official added. Read more.
UNESCO has not done any such announcement. There has been many such fake UNESCO certificates rolling around social media with false statements. Please find such kind of more fake ones below.
(SPAM) Mitron Awarded Oxford Dictionary Word of the Year by UNESCO
(SPAM) UNESCO declares rupees 2000 note as best currency of the world
(SPAM) Jana Gana Mana is declared by UNESCO as the BEST ANTHEM OF THE WORLD
(SPAM) UNESCO Declares Das Lakshan The Best Festival Of The World
(SPAM) UNESCO Declares Jallikattu Bull As World Heritage Symbol
Let me share the recipe of Pazhankanji, the famous dish from Kerala:
Eat healthy be healthy. Know the facts, share the facts and keep the minds healthy.
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Pazhankanji the healthiest breakfast item | Nokiye.com
Post Date: 28 Nov 2018
Post ID: #70314
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