[SPAM] Train On A Pyramid Bridge In Israel
The fake post is shared with claims about
Post Information:
The below post has been circulating on social media
यह रेल्वे ट्रैक इज़राइल मे है जो रसद सामग्री लेकर उरपारा से बेगुन जरारा तक १२८० किलोमीटर का सफऱ तय करती है, रास्ते मे इस प्रकार के १३ परामिड पुल पर से ये रेल गुजरती है
Verification: The video shared is a simulation video
The simulation video is shared with false claims that’s say “यह रेल्वे ट्रैक इज़राइल मे है जो रसद सामग्री लेकर उरपारा से बेगुन जरारा तक १२८० किलोमीटर का सफऱ तय करती है, रास्ते मे इस प्रकार के १३ परामिड पुल पर से ये रेल गुजरती है” on Facebook and Twitter. Simulation video is shared with false cliams.
The text in the video is read as Daffa Railfans ID. Searching the text, the following video is found and it is the same video that is being shared with false claims. The description of this YouTuber is “Daffa Railfans ID is a training channel that is in the 2019 train simulator game with the aim of this channel being to look for Adsense on youtube, let’s be enthusiastic about content to be prosperous, but don’t forget to pray 5 times a day for Muslims.”
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Train On A Pyramid Bridge In Israel I Nokiye
Post Date: 29 Nov 2021
Post ID: #79471