[SPAM] Sundar Pichai Quotes
There are quotes circulating in the name of Sundar Pichai with Sundar Pichai’s picture and designation. They are statements never made by the real Sundar Pichai. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
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Below posts have been circulating on social media
Being born in poor family, I share the pain of Medical Students. Exams like NEET is a clear threat to common people and destroys the true talents. If I had to face Exams like NEET, I would have never become a CEO. I have no doubt that exams like NEET can be forged in Digital World as it is already happening. It’s a shame that Government strips the students to humiliate them. Students are not Terrorists and Government must understand that. Let’s pray for Students to get Justice. – Sundar Pitchai, CEO, Google
I am not interested in politics but I’m worried about India’s Unemployment and millions of youngsters losing their jobs. India must concentrate on people’s welfare not on their food habits. Eating beef or any food is purely personal freedom. No one has right to ban it. We dont live in Dark Ages where King decides on People’s Freedom. Great Country like India must move towards Science and Technology but not Religion. Moving towards Religions will surely hit Country’s stability and business as we see many big Industries already moving away from India due to religious tensions. Future of any country is in the hands of young rational minds. – Sundar Pitchai, CEO, Google
Verification: No, these quotes are not shared by Google CEO Sundar Pichai
There are no proof that CEO of Google Mr. Sundar Pichai made any such statements. These are being circulated by fake social media accounts created under the name Sundar Pichai with designation and picture of Mr. Pichai. Spelling mistakes can be seen on the viral message. “Pichai” is spelled as “Pitchai”.
Below is the verified Twitter account of Mr. Pichai for any reference.
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Google CEO Quotes I Nokiye
Post Date: 31st May 2017
Post ID: #68160
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The credit for this quick solution to all our tiny problems goes to the mastermind and CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai. Born and raised in a Tamilian family, Pichai’s incredible story has influenced millions across the globe. Let us walk you through Sundar Pichai education and his journey through this blog!