[SPAM] PM Modi Says Worst Time Is Starting (COVID-19)
The fake poster is shared with false claims warning people of India regarding COVID-19
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
PM Modi Says Worst Time Is Starting
(COVID -19)
Verification: The shared poster is not the message from PM Modi
The fake poster is shared on social media warning people regarding COVID -19. The message conveys to stay home and not to go anywhere. It quotes Italy’s situation.
Lots of messages keep circulating that are not genuine and are not from authorities. This is also one such fake poster rolling on social media. If you notice there are a lot of mistakes in the write-up. “And” is written as “Tand”. Grammatically the sentences are not proper. Any official information or messages are in proper format and there is no scope of such mistakes.
In fact, this message is not shared by PM Modi though it is better to stay home and be safe due to the increasing cases of COVID-19 in India. Go out only in case of emergency with all the precautions stated by WHO and CDC to stay away from infection. You can get the correct information here, here, here.
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PM Modi Says Worst Time Is Starting (COVID -19) I Nokiye
Post Date: 26 June 2020
Post ID: #77129