(CLOSED) SMS Taxi or Auto Number to 9969777888 To Track Vehicle
This service is CLOSED now. It was a service started by Mumbai Police along with MTNL during 2014 but it may not be available now. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media
To all girls,kindly note_
Before boarding taxi or auto send a sms of d vehicle no to 9969777888. U will get acknowledgement via sms. Vehicle will b tracked via GPRS
Share with as many u can. Help ur sister, mom ur wife n female friends
It was true during 2014, but ONLY for Mumbai. As of the date of this post the number is shown invalid so the service looks like is closed.
During 2014 Mumbai Police along with MTNL started this SMS service for women travelling alone.
As this message did not say its ONLY for Mumbai, after it went viral in Bangalore, Bangalore Police had to give a statement to denounce it as a hoax and there were media reports also about this being a hoax which is true for Bangalore.
Similarly for Telegana also this news has been spreading and its NOT TRUE FOR TELENGANA.
Today the number may not be valid for Mumbai as well. So we have added this CLOSED post on this case.
Post Date: 21 Feb 2017
Post ID: #40020
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