[SPAM] Shah Rukh Khan Spat At Lata Mangeshkar’s Mortal Remains
Video and photos of Shah Rukh Khan are shared with false claims that he spat on Lata Mangeshkar’s mortal remains
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Shah Rukh Khan Spat At Lata Mangeshkar’s Mortal Remains
ये थूका है, फूंका है या इस्लामी प्रार्थना का कोई नायाब तरीका है!! ये तो #ShahRukhKhan को ही बताना पड़ेगा किंतु क्या ये सब करना यहां उचित था? pic.twitter.com/67KGC7et8C
— विनोद बंसल Vinod Bansal (@vinod_bansal) February 6, 2022
क्या इसने थूका है ❓ pic.twitter.com/RZOa2NVM5I
— Arun Yadav ?? (@beingarun28) February 6, 2022
Verification: Shah Rukh Khan did not spit at Lata Mangeshkar’s mortal remains
The Nightingale Of India, Voice Of Millennium, Queen Of Melody, Lata Mangeshkar contributed to the Indian music industry in a career spanning seven decades and gained honorific titles for herself. The legendary singer breathed last on Feb 6, 2022 at the age of 92 after battling with Covid for a longer period. She is in our hearts and her song is in each feeling one can have in life. Among the many celebrities, Shah Rukh Khan also paid his tribute and offered Dua at her funeral.
Unfortunately video and photos of Shah Rukh Khan is shared with false claims that he spat on Lata Mangeshkar mortal remains. In fact, the actor was offering a Dua (Fatiha) and blowing to ward off evil. This is a common gesture in several Muslim cultures. To those, who spread hate talks, many had replied and expressed their feelings. As this was the time to pay tribute, some were trying to give it communal twist.
To be able to spin Shah Rukh Khan’s performing a Dua and blowing on Lata Mangeshkar, a sign of respect and blessing in his religion, to a defiling act like spitting only proves that so many out there only think about how to demonise Muslims next. pic.twitter.com/c9gfGGQXAz
— Andre Borges (@borges) February 6, 2022
#ShahRukhKhan reading a dua and blowing on Lata ji’s mortal remains for protection and blessings in the next life.
People who are questioning what did he do , did he spit ..No he didn't morons.
It's a ritual in his religion ! pic.twitter.com/MbpBGOeeAc
— ???? ????? (@MomLilPrince) February 6, 2022
Many people took this matter in a wrong way saying that, "He is spitting at Lata Mangeshkar while paying his last respect to her." But in reality it's not, so please don't spread false news! ??#ShahRukhKhan #LataMangeshkar #LataDidi #ShivajiPark #Mumbai #spitting #falsenews pic.twitter.com/zbPP10Cu6m
— Sangpu Changsan (@_sangpuchangsan) February 6, 2022
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Shah Rukh Khan Spat At Lata Mangeshkar’s Mortal Remains I Nokiye
Post Date: 07 Feb 2022
Post ID: #79739