[VERIFIED] RBI Directs Banks to Close ATM Till Software is Updated
Yes it’s true that RBI has directed banks to close all ATMs till the software is updated, but it’s to avoid the ransomware attack. India is said to be largely safe from the attack. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
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Below post has been circulating on social media
ATM ‘s will be close for next 2-3 days probably, due to ransomeware cyber attack within India.
Yes RBI has directed all banks to keep the ATMs closed till a Windows update to protect from the WannaCry ransomware is available and updated on the machines.
More info at the mainstream media reports below.
RBI directs banks to open ATMs only after software update to prevent ransomare malware
BI INDIA BUREAU | MAY 15, 2017, 03.17 PM
Open ATMs only after software update: RBI
Mayur Shetty | TNN | May 15, 2017, 04.23 AM IST
Ransomware attack: India largely safe
The Hindu | Yuthika Bhargava | UPDATED: MAY 14, 2017 20:03 IST
Post Date: 15th May 2017
Post ID: #68088
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