[SPAM] Railway Decreased Number Of RRB NTPC 2019 Vacancies From 35277 To 10648
The fake notice claiming that railways have decreased the total number of RRB NTPC 2019 vacancies from 35277 to 10648 is being shared on whats app. Please read more about it in verification section of this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
Railways ave decreased the total number of RRB NTPC 2019 vacancies from 35277 to 10648
Verification: Notice regarding decrease in number of RRB NTPC 2019 vacancy is not true
Fake notification has been being circulated on social media which claims that Railways have decreased the total number of RRB NTPC 2019 Vacancies from 35277 to 10648. This notice was declared as a fake by the Railway Officials. It has been discovered that someone has tampered the official notification released by railways on 14th October 2019. The official notification stated that the RRB NTPC 2019 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT) has been postponed which was earlier scheduled to be held between the months of June and September 2019. Later, on 15th October, a fake notification was circulated in social media that RRB NTPC 2019 Vacancies have been decreased from 35277 vacancies to 10648 Vacancies. In fact the total number of RRB NTPC Vacancies was earlier revised from 35277 to 35208 Vacancies. Read more @JagranJosh
RRB NTPC 2019 Official Notification for Exam Postponed. Candidates are advised to visit the official websites of RRBs regularly for RRB NTPC 2019 Exam Dates Announcement and Admit Card Release Date.
RRB Exam Calendar 2019-2020 New: Check Exam Dates of RRB NTPC/ Group D Level-1/ Paramedical/ & MI Posts: Read more
Please see the difference in the fake and the real notice below:
Fake Notice:
Real Notice:
Observe the gap between words “Railway Recruitment Board” in the fake and real notice, “Board” is written after extra space. You can also see some words “windows ” and few more which are not clear in the fake notice that are not seen in real notice. Spelling of “passengers’ in fake notice is “passnegrs”. “I” in “India” is written in small letter in fake post, where as it is always written in capital letter. There are always some loop holes left in the fake information that can lead us to facts. Keeping our eyes open and mind sharp, we can save our self getting into trap of such fakes on social media. Most of the content is also changed and shared as notice from Railway.
Last update on the official site was on 15th Oct 2019, please see the screenshort and check the link shared above:
Official notification released by the Indian Railways:
RRB NTPC: आखिर क्यों स्थगित हुई एनटीपीसी परीक्षा? रेलवे के अधिकारी ने बताई वजह: Read More @NDTV
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Railway Notice I Nokiye
Post Date: 22 Oct 2019
Post ID: #74072