This Free JIO Sim Unlimited Data offer is fake. Please refer to the verification section of this article for more details.
This Free WhatsApp post circulating could be dangerous. Please refer to the verification section of this article for more details.
This is fake. There is no authentic article available anywhere about such a fruit. Also no research, no scientists, none involved. More...
This is NOT TRUE that Onions absorb Bacteria. Its considered as an urban legend and something not scientifically proven. More information in...
This is a hoax that a diabetes vaccine is officially announced. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
This is a hoax that the picture of Donald Trump suffering from stroke will destroy your computer/phone. More info at verification section...
This is a false information saying its Shahrukh Khan Without Wig. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
This Free JIO Prime Membership offer circulating is fake. Please refer to the verification section of this article for more details.
This is a false news that UNO Warns Modi Speech. These has been no such warning issued by UNO. Please find more...
Its false that UNESCO declares Das Lakshan best festival of the world. Please find all the fake UNESCO declarations shown at this...