[SPAM] Prime Minister Narendra Modi Has Announced Rs. 500 Free Recharge
This is a fake post circulating with wrong claim that Modi has announced Rs. 500 Free Recharge to his supporters. Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
*एक बार फिर मोदी सरकार*
मोदी सरकार की तरफ़ से देशवासियों को तहें दिल से सुख्रिया कहने के लिए दीया जा रहा हैं फ़्री 500₹ रीचार्ज
तो जल्दी करें और इस मैसेज को अपने सभी दोस्तों को भी भेजें ताकि इस ऑफ़र का लाभ सभी को मिल सके |
Free Rs 500 Recharge Reward
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that Rs.500 free recharge will be given to his supporters. Through this survey, we would like to know that how many are against or supporting him
Verification: There is no such free Rs 500 recharge reward to Modi supporters
The post circulating on whatsapp is not true. This kind of post had been circulating since years claiming free recharge.The links shared in such posts are deceptive. When you click on such links, they ask you to fill up some forms. They collect your data. Within few minutes, they have data of thousands and lakhs of people. Please dont share any information on such links. Any sensible person can understand that to recharge, there is no requirement of any such queries as asked in the link shared in viral post. Below is the snapshot from the shared link.
We ensure that you are updated with the facts. Please Check4spam before forwarding and believing any doubtful image, message or video. Be cautious, be safe.
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Modi announces Rs. 500 Free Recharge to his supporters | Nokiye
Post Date: 24 May 2019
Post ID: #72570